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Dino's Ultima Page offers many information about the Ultima series. You can also visit Dino's Ultima Web Database 2, which is a good substitute for the lost Ultima Webring.
For a long time not available, Houston has restored his homepage in February 2018. Visit Houston Dragon's Ultima Page. This great website contains a lot of information about the Ultima series.
Ultima Reconstruction ist eine
Seite, auf der alle Bemühungen der Entwicklergemeinde, die Ultima Serie zu verbessern
und alte Spiele auf modernen Computer-Systemen lauffähig zu halten, zusammengetragen
Ultima Reconstruction
The Reconstruction is a library of all the online development efforts whose goal is to
provide some advancement in quality to an Ultima series game. It is not any one project
and does not produce any software. Instead, its purpose is to be a gathering place for
the community-wide effort to improve the quality of the Ultima series. Some of the games
are being technically upgraded to work as intended on newer systems, others are being
remade completely from scratch. We invite you to examine these landmark projects in
the online Ultima community, and perhaps even contribute one of your own.
Hacki's Ultima Page ist die
ultimative Nitpick Quelle für jeden Ultima Fan.
Hacki's Ultima Page is
the ultimate nitpick resource for every fan of Ultima.
Die in Midi umgesetzte Musik der Ultima Spiele gibt es in Telavars
großartigem Mysterious Sosaria.
Diese Site enthält außerdem fantastische Bilder aller berühmten Ortschaften
The midi music files are from Telavar's marvelous
Mysterious Sosaria.
This site contains fantastic pictures of all famous places from Britannia as
Ein exzellenter Patch erweitert die PC Version von Ultima IV -
Moongates Ultima IV Annex - Ultima IV Upgrade Patch
An excellente patch extends the PC Version of Ultima IV -
Moongates Ultima IV Annex - Ultima IV Upgrade Patch
Ultima Freunde mit Internetanschluß können Mitglieder im
Dragons -- Internet Chapter Club (UDIC) werden.
Ultima friends can join the Ultima Dragons
-- Internet Chapter Club (UDIC).
Hail, traveller, and welcome to The Codex of Ultima Wisdom an encyclopedia that deals with the Ultima series of computer role-playing games by Origin Systems, Inc. and Electronic Arts. The encyclopedia has grown to cover all parts of the series, as well as Ultima Online